Samson Pool Cue Tips are 14mm and 8 layers. Samson Tips are medium tips that are the rage because of their consistent quality and low price. Samson Pool Cue Tips are made from high grade pig skin and pressed together using the latest adhesives and pressure treatments. Samson Tips transfer more spin and control over other similar tips and really hold chalk well. Samson tips hold their shape!
Unsolicited Testimonial
I really like these tips and have put 3 on the 7 on my sticks and have noticed a great improvement over the single layer tips I was accustomed to. I was a dedicated Triangle user for 20 years. Thank you for a great product.
J.M. Yakima, WA
Samson tips are guaranteed to hold chalk well and will not mushroom. Samson Tips will give you maximum control, consistency and least amount of deflection a tip can offer.
Samson Tips are an exceptional buy! In fact, if we advertised and printed glossy brochures to promote these tips, they'd be priced just like other tips in the $7+ range.
Buy some today as you won�t be disappointed. They work real well and don't let the low price fool you. We're the direct importers so no middlemen to hog up all the profits where we can pass the savings on to you and we do!
Priced as follows:
Per 1 @ $1.50
Per 25 @ $1.25
Per 50 @ $1.00
For the ultimate combination try these tips with Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Only available in Medium!