Click to enlargeCueComponents<br>Stack Leather Wrap™<br>Tan or Black

Cue Components is finally offering their own Stack Leather Wrap™ - a superior leather than what has previously been offered by Tiger "MAP CRAP" Products.

This is an all natural pig skin that can be dyed to any color or used naturally.

Now available in black & Brown too!

What's the difference? Well a picture is worth a thousand words. As you can plainly see the Tiger Stack Wrap are glued together from thin strands which come from waste cuttings. This is called maximizing use of your leather down to the smallest piece of crap.

There is no need to rip people off with glued together, waste cuttings when you can give them a quality product for the same price. Albeit, we don't make as much profit but we are still making a profit and that's fine with us. We don't need to make a killing as making a living is just fine.

So, what have we learned? Well, we don't know about you but we've learned that Tiger Products has been selling us crap for years and we were all taken in by his BS. You really don't know until you go out there and look around to find comparable products. We've found not only comparable but better quality and we can sell it to you for less than you can buy it from Tiger even if you got their distributor pricing!

We sell this stack leather wrap for one cue ($14.95) or enough leather to do three cues ($39.95).

Each wrap contains enough leather (15+ feet) to do a standard wrap channel (which is 99.99% of all cues). If you order enough for 3 cues, you will receive over 45+ feet.

Pricing as follows:
Per one TAN or BLACK Stack Wrap @ $14.95
Per 3 TAN or BLACK Stack Wraps for $39.95 (that's a roll)

Unsolicited Testimonial
"Oh, the stack leather wraps I ordered are coming out nice! They take dye very evenly"!
R.P. Starke, FL

Now Available in BLACK or TAN - Order Today & $ave!

Stack Leather Wrap™
Tan or Black

CCStackRegular Price: $19.95Sale: $14.95

Per 1 TAN Stack Wrap
Per 3 TAN Stack Leather Wraps (+25.00)
Per 1 BLACK Stack Wrap
Per 3 BLACK Stack Leather Wraps (+25.00)

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