Click to enlargePaul Drexler

Who's that peeking out from behind all those shafts? It's certainly not Little Red Riding Hood but none other than the one and only, Paul Drexler of PFD Studios. We had the honor of Sir Paul visiting as he was down with his family for their annual Florida vacation. Fortunately, (we're not sure for who) he graced us with his presence. We're still feeling blessed and fortunate that he took time from his busy schedule to visit with mere peasants and our humble shop.

In all actuality we're friends and speak quite frequently. We've traded war stories, ideas and just plain shoot the breeze. And anyone who knows Paul, certainly knows he excels in the area of shooting the breeze.

Just recently Paul gave us several great ideas for improvements in the shop. Unfortunately, all his ideas are multi-thousand dollar expenditures. We went for broke and have to admit that the Pratt Chucks were and are an excellent addition to our lathes. That was only one idea. There were several others which cost us dearly. But we're smokin now!

Anyway, Paul came down for a visit and we truly had a wonderful time with him and his family. Actually, Paul is a lot of fun after a couple of beers. He's even easy to negotiate with.

We allowed Paul to go through a pallet of shafts on the guarantee that he would take a certain amount. He had a feast and certainly picked out a bunch of exceptional shafts. There's nothing like going through and picking your own shaft wood from some of the finest available. Paul had a easy time meeting his goal and was well pleased.

And the best part -- he picked shafts without bouncing them! If you don't get it, read about Ariel Carmelli.

Picking Out The Finest
Bob Keeping Him Honest
Almost Done!
Picking Out The Finest

Bob Keeping Him Honest

Almost Done!

Ivory Too!
All Packed Up!
It's Payday!
Ivory Too!

All Packed Up!

It's Payday!

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