Click to enlargeTriad Cue Tips

Introducing the all new Triad Cue Tip by Joe Barringer to compete with the ever popular Tweeten Triangle Cue Tips.

As we all know, Tweeten Fibre Company (manufacturers of the Triangle Cue Tip) is a very difficult company to deal with, sort of stuck up and for no good reason. They have a niche market in a few products and have never done anything since "grandpa" invented their company & products.

In any event, in Tweeten's quest for arrogance, we decided to manufacture a competing product and sell them for a much more realistic price! Introducing, our all new Triad Cue Tips. If you can tell the difference in play (when you get a good Triangle), send them back and we'll eat them with a glass of milk!

The playability is the same as Tweeten's Triangle Cue Tips! That is, when you get a good box of Tweeten's Triangle tips or cull out the few in a box that are usable. You'll be amazed and pleasantly surprised with the consistency and playability of our Triad cue tips.

These are only available in 14mm.

Overall, we are offering you, our friends and clients, a superb quality product and naturally at a much lower price point.

Take advantage of this opportunity and say no to Tweeten's extremely high pricing structure. Competition is a wonderful thing! God Bless America!

Priced as follows:
Per 1 @ $1.00 each
Per 10 @ $ .70each
Per 25 @ $ .60 each
Per 50 @ $ .50 each (Box 50 @ $25.00)

For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.

Unsolicited Testimonial
Had to install one of the Triad tips as I like the single ply tips as opposed to the layered. I replaced a Triangle with a Triad. I think the Triangles are a little quieter. Triads hit a little crisper than a triangle. Usually, I need a little time to adjust to the newness. The Triad tip has me firing balls in from left field. It’s a great feeling when you can’t miss. I think you are right when you say, Triad tips play like a good Triangle.
DC, South Prince George VA

Regular Price: $3.00
1 - 9
10 - 24
25 - 49
Sale Price


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