Introduction to Cue Building - 101
This DVD will run 110 minutes.
So, you want to build cues. Why? Perhaps it's for the long hours. Perhaps it's for the many frustrating moments. Perhaps it's for the waste of large amounts of wood. Perhaps it's for the hours and hours you spend in the shop only to come out with one huge screw-up. It's surely not for the money.
Are you looking for a hobby? Are you looking to build your own cue? Are you looking to make a few cues here and there for friends and family? Are you looking to supplement your income? Are you looking to build a new business? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to watch this DVD.
We'll take you through the very beginning stages of what to buy, when to buy it and why to buy various items at the pace we set. We'll help you decide what tools to buy. We'll help you decide what lathe to buy whether it's a Proper, Hightower, Unique or a twelve-hundred pound floor lathe. We'll demonstrate on each of the previously mentioned lathes so you can make the best decision for your means. We'll talk about the benefits and draw-backs to each. This is an extensive beginning introduction into cue building and what it really takes from the bare minimum to a fully blown-out shop. You can get in for a couple of thousand to tens of thousands. It all depends how deep your pockets are and how much time you have to invest.
There is nothing on the market that comes close to this DVD. It will help you make the right decisions, steer you in the correct direction and show you what to buy and why you need it.
This DVD is only an introduction into cue building. It is not a how to and does not demonstrate any aspects of cue building. It is a lecture on cue building. You'll learn a lot from this DVD and you'll be more knowledgeable once you decide what you want to do. This DVD is money well spent.