Tiger Sniper Pool Cue Tips
These Sniper cue tips are manufactured with boar hide that was slowly tanned underground without using chemicals. They don't say what they did use but we do know that they don't use chemicals. Tiger claims it can take up to a year but we know better but it makes for good reading and hype. Tiger Products then claims that they treat the leather with some magical and mysterious product which they don't name but this magical potion will give your Sniper tip "characteristics that will improve your game". So, this magical 'dust' will now "improve your game". The heck with the tip - let's all ask Tiger Products to bottle this magical dust!
Now we'll discuss VACULAM which Tiger Products claims to be a trademarked word which comes from vacuum and laminated. Tiger Products is claiming that they put all their tips together with a vacuum laminated process where it vacuum presses the tips together. Unfortunately this very same process also draws the glue into the leather fibers which many now agree is not good for hit and consistency. You don't want to play with glue; you want to play with leather. Whether or not VACULAM is any good is a matter of opinion - try a Sniper tip and you be the judge as they do play well despite the 'ticking' sound.
Tiger Products goes on to say that they also have added a new "treatment" called "APP" or Advanced Pressurized Process. They claim by doing this process it can make the cue tips adaptable to any player, for any game regardless how, when or where you play. How convenient! Personally, we think these and all Tiger Tips are manufactured with their secret process called "FOC" - Full of Crap!
Regardless whether they are manufactured with APP or FOC, they do play well and also hold chalk and Tiger claims they will not mushroom. Yada, Yada, Yada and of course they will give you maximum control, (whatever that is), consistency and of course the least amount of deflection. I wonder how they know since that really can't be tested accurately or consistently. Tiger Sniper Laminated Cue Tips - More hype and another cue tips that competes with all the rest. More crap to buy but they do play well.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!