Tiger Emerald Cue Tips
We sell Emerald Cue Tips by Tiger for as low are $5.95 each! No one compares or competes with us! We review all tips and these tips perform well. Tiger Products claims that after years of research and development they produced these tips. They also claim that players inspired and requested them. Let's examine these ridiculous statements. Tiger Products wants us to believe they spend years developing a $2 tip. SURE! Tiger raised wholesale pricing on this tip 100% but we are still maintaining the previous low, low price because we refuse to gouge the consumer like Tiger Products wants us all to do. You won't find these tips priced for less anywhere. These tips are made from recycled pig skin leather. They claim these tips are made in Burbank California but we have reason to doubt this. Regardless whether they are made in Burbank or Beijing, this is a decent tip and especially at our low, low price. Try one, we're sure you'll like it.
Hardness: Medium Hard (4)
Tiger Durometer (Type A): 96
Mueller Durometer (Type B/C): 76-79
Tip Diameter: 14 mm only