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161 products
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Proper Butt Sleeve Installation Techniques
Proper Butt Sleeve Installation Techniques
This DVD will run approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes.
Installing a butt sleeve is a simple procedure, correct? Wrong. There are correct methods and incorrect methods. We show one simple method with techniques that make it easy and accurate. Additionally, we also show a method that few cue builders utilize but produces great results. We believe this method has never been shown and demonstrated. Although more labor intensive, the results are worth it. We demonstrate by showing you how to achieve total accuracy and precision as well as mastering the technique. This DVD is excellent and extremely worthwhile.
As previously mentioned, butt sleeves are a cake walk (hardly). Well, here's an unsolicited comment: "On a different note, I really liked your new dvds. I was pleasantly surprised that the butt sleeve dvd had as much information as it did". JB, IN.
For 90 minutes there's a lot of valuable information in there! You don't know it all.

Proper Handle/Forearm Connection Techniques
Proper Handle/Forearm Connection Techniques
This DVD will run about 65 minutes.
This is probably one of the hardest things to master in cue construction. When we finished taping this DVD, Bob said that we made it look so easy. And it really is. If you follow our step-by-step procedure, you too will find it easy. We've seen so many cue makers battling themselves in this area of construction when it's all unnecessary. If you listen and apply, it will all come together for you as easily as it does for us each and every time. It's not difficult once you know proper techniques.

Proper Joint Pin Installation Techniques
Proper Joint Pin Installation Techniques
This DVD will run about 65 minutes.
This is one of the hardest parts of cue building to master. We've taught people how to do a joint pin and they do it accurately in our presence but when they try to do it at home it's not so easy. The joint pin installation can be one of the most frustrating areas to cue building.
In this video, we'll show you how to properly install a joint pin. We'll show you what you need, why you need them and finally how to do it. We'll also show you how not to install a joint pin and why the problem is created by different methods. We'll also show you how to save that cue from an improperly installed joint pin. You'll learn everything you need to learn and why things happen and finally how to do it properly for 100% success each time.
And we'll show you two different methods of properly installing the joint pin and two different methods of when to install it.

Proper Veneer Construction Techniques
Proper Veneer Construction Techniques
This DVD runs 90 minutes.
This DVD covers two proper techniques of installing veneer work to your points. It will also cover how to cut veneers with and without a mill in detail. We'll show two methods both of which produce accurate and clean veneer work. This is the ultimate in precision veneer technique.
If you are new to cue building, you will need to purchase Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques to fully understand how point work is done. This DVD picks up where the other one leaves off. Doing veneer work is the next level of cue construction.
If you are accustomed to building cues with points and want to learn flawless veneer work or if you just want to see different technique, then perhaps you won't need the previous DVD - Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques. However, if your point work is not up to speed without doing veneers, then this DVD will not produce the desired results. Flawless construction technique will produce the desired results. And, unless you know how everything is accomplished up to doing veneers, this part will not produce the desired results without flawless construction prior to doing veneers.
After viewing this DVD, you'll find that doing veneer work, as labor intensive as it is, will be very easy and rewarding. Our step-by-step procedures makes it easy to follow and understand. It's really a no-brainer!

Barringer Cue Building DVD's
Barringer Cue Building DVD's
Here's the complete set in one packaged price. A total of 944 minutes or almost 16 hours of individualized training.
You'll watch these over and over and learn each time you watch them. Nothing is left out as we cover it all; complete cue construction!
Here's the best summary we've received...
"If you can't build a cue after watching these videos give it up and go back to working at McDonalds".
AG, Greenwood, LA

Introduction to Cue Building - 101
Introduction to Cue Building - 101
This DVD will run 110 minutes.
So, you want to build cues. Why? Perhaps it's for the long hours. Perhaps it's for the many frustrating moments. Perhaps it's for the waste of large amounts of wood. Perhaps it's for the hours and hours you spend in the shop only to come out with one huge screw-up. It's surely not for the money.
Are you looking for a hobby? Are you looking to build your own cue? Are you looking to make a few cues here and there for friends and family? Are you looking to supplement your income? Are you looking to build a new business? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to watch this DVD.
We'll take you through the very beginning stages of what to buy, when to buy it and why to buy various items at the pace we set. We'll help you decide what tools to buy. We'll help you decide what lathe to buy whether it's a Proper, Hightower, Unique or a twelve-hundred pound floor lathe. We'll demonstrate on each of the previously mentioned lathes so you can make the best decision for your means. We'll talk about the benefits and draw-backs to each. This is an extensive beginning introduction into cue building and what it really takes from the bare minimum to a fully blown-out shop. You can get in for a couple of thousand to tens of thousands. It all depends how deep your pockets are and how much time you have to invest.
There is nothing on the market that comes close to this DVD. It will help you make the right decisions, steer you in the correct direction and show you what to buy and why you need it.
This DVD is only an introduction into cue building. It is not a how to and does not demonstrate any aspects of cue building. It is a lecture on cue building. You'll learn a lot from this DVD and you'll be more knowledgeable once you decide what you want to do. This DVD is money well spent.

Proper Tip, Tenon and Ferrule Installation Techniques
Proper Tip, Tenon and Ferrule Installation Techniques
This DVD is a two part DVD set which runs two hours and twenty minutes! We cover everything imaginable with correct installation, facing and finishing proceedures. We also cover business tactics and general conversation about tips, tenons and ferrules. No other DVD is this comprehensive. It even covers common mistakes and how to avoid them. We didn't miss anything and the length proves that! Great photography, great discussion and great detailed techniques shown close-up. You'll be a pro after watching this and following our advice.
If you're looking to just do tenons, tips and ferrules or if you're looking to learn how to build your own cue, then this video is for you. There is nothing else on the market like this video. We'll show you how to properly install a tenon. We'll show you how to properly install a ferrule from threading the tenon to installation. And we'll show you how to properly prepare a tip and install it.
We'll also show you how not to install a tenon, a ferrule and a tip. We'll lay many of the myths to rest and show you many little tricks which you'll never figure out or which will take you years to figure out. We show you how to avoid the glue line between the ferrule and shaft. We show you how to mate the tip and ferrule so that your work lasts for the life of a tip. We'll show you how to properly shape a tip.
We'll show you how to do a quality job with precision and care. Your work will stand out.

Proper Shaft Cutting Techniques
Proper Shaft Cutting Techniques
This DVD will run 72 minutes.
This DVD will cover proper shaft cutting techniques for maximum yield. Shafts have a tendency of warping and our procedure for cutting shafts and how is by far the very best. It yields almost 100% usable shaft wood with minimal warping. Joe has tested and tried many methods and procedures. This DVD shows the best time schedule, method and to what size as well as dipping procedures in Shaft Dip (the DVD mentions Resolute but substitute it with Shaft Dip). This is a must have for the beginner and even the veteran as we can all learn something.

Proper Coring Techniques
Proper Coring Techniques
This DVD will run 65 minutes.
This is an extensive DVD on all aspects of coring. We demonstrate coring techniques, necessary tools and woods as well as in-depth discussion. We show you what to do and why you need to do it as well as what not to do. Nothing is missed as this is a thorough demonstration and teaching DVD.

Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques
Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques
This DVD runs approximately 2.5 hours.
This is a two part DVD set which will run at least 2.5 hours. There is a lot of information in this DVD which includes proper construction methods and covers common mistakes and how to avoid them. You will have all the necessary information and you will be shown detailed techniques for constructing flawless and uniform "V" points. Everything imaginable is covered and you will not be left with unanswered questions. We cover it all and we're extremely thorough. This is the absolute best production out there for learning "V" points. You will surely not be disappointed and you'll feel that this was money well spent. This 2.5 hour production proves that we left nothing out.

Proper Finishing Techniques Using Epoxy & Cyano
Proper Finishing Techniques Using Epoxy & Cyano
This DVD will run approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes.
Finish a cue with Cyano? Sure, why not. It's easy, fast and lasts when done properly. We demonstrate technique and how to avoid cracking, lifting and fading by using the right products. This DVD shows full application techniques as well as proper sanding technique to avoid 'hills and valleys'. When you site down the cut it will look like glass.
Precision Tapping Aid
Precision Tapping Aid
This is a tapping accessory for use on all type lathes. This precision aid assures the same tap alignment as the drilled hole to produce accurate, improved threads and it reduces tap breakage. You'll never get more accurate tapping than with this handy tool.
Ease of Operation: Simply place the tap into the tapper. Then insert the tapper into your chuck on the tail stock. Move the tailstock forward and up to the work piece in the same plane as the drilled hole. No power is necessary as the tool is manufactured for hand tapping. Just apply some inward pressure on the "T" handle while turning to start the tap. As soon as the tapping starts, inward pressure is no longer required.
We have tapped with this tool under low power and it produces accurate and smooth threads. We do not recommend tapping under power for safety reasons. For safety we recommend rotating the chuck by hand.
If you've ever had problems creating accurate threads, this handy tool will resolve that problem. We use about 8 of these for all the different tap sizes which we use on a daily basis. They're really handy, accurate and easy to use. Saves time too! Taps not included.

Tina Leather Cutting Blade
Tina Leather Cutting Blade
You can't beat this for the size and price! Why pay up to $40 and more for an actual Tina Blade when this will do the same job for 1/4 of the price! Plus you get extra blades too as well as a safety cover.
A great value and much safer than a steel Tina Blade!

Klingspor 2" Wet/Dry Sandpaper Strips
Klingspor 2" Wet/Dry Sandpaper Strips
Here are 2" wide rolls of 10 feet long. This is Klingspor sandpaper; the finest sand paper for your sanding needs. We recommend it over 3M anyway!

Klingspor 2" Wet/Dry Sandpaper Rolls
Klingspor 2" Wet/Dry Sandpaper Rolls
Here are 2" wide rolls of 75 feet long. This is Klingspor sandpaper; the finest sand paper for your sanding needs. We recommend it over 3M any day!

Retractable Pool Cue Chalk Holder - Belt Clip Style
Retractable Pool Cue Chalk Holder - Belt Clip Style
This is a high quality chalk holder with a retractable cord. You can clip it on your pocket, belt, or belt loop. The back end is chrome plated for lasting value and strength. Not flimsy plastic as other sellers offer.
Don't waste time looking for a good piece of chalk when you could be shooting pool. Please have a look at our other pool cue accessories and billiard related items.
For the ultimate combination
try this holder with Morakami Performance Chalk.
Pool Cue Glove
Pool Cue Glove
What we have is a silky smooth glove that will allow your cue shaft to glide through your fingers with effortless ease.

Tip Tool Bowtie
Tip Tool Bowtie
We have a tip shaper, tip scuffer, and a tip pick all made into a convenient tool that fits in your pocket.
Check out the new Morakami™ Gator Shaper Tip Tool
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