Morakami Gator Shaper™ Tip Tool
This tip tool is designed to agitate the quality leather tip of your cue in a non-intrusive and more gentle manner. Unlike tips picks and other tip tools which cut, poke and/or puncture the leather, this quality tool gently scuffs the tip to a more natural shape. While doing so, it maintains the maximum performance and more importantly the structural integrity of the tip which also allows for maximum chalk retention and adhesion. The two pieces are held together with magnets and just a flick of the finger open it up yet stays closed when in your pocket or bag.
About the price! We've seen 'Kopy Kat' products out there that are insanely priced at $34.95 and $44.95 for their black model. What are they thinking! More importantly they have the cojones to state right on their web site that their price is MAP (Minimum Advertised Pricing). Say NO to MAP products! This is just a method of screwing you the consumer into thinking these prices are current and real. These prices are bogus and misleading just like Tiger Products Merchandise who is one of the largest offenders and scummiest operators of MAP schemes.