157 products
157 products
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Silver Bullet Pocket Chalker
Silver Bullet Pocket Chalker
This is a very unique pocket chalker. This will keep your chalk always handy and ready to use on a moments notice. It comes with a black chalk holder with a free Master's Chalk. You can replace the Masters Chalk with a Morakami Performance Chalk for only $2 additional charge.

Silver Bullet Pocket Chalker-Scuffer
Silver Bullet Pocket Chalker-Scuffer
The Silver Bullet Pocket Chalker-Scuffer will be your best friend when playing a few racks. It will keep your chalk always handy and you can shape your tip to a precision nickel radius. The bullet is a genuine 30-06 round (without the powder of course).
It comes with Masters chalk or you can upgrade to Performance Morakami Chalk for $2.50 additional.
Small Custom 6 Flute Router Blade & Arbor
Small Custom 6 Flute Router Blade & Arbor
There are knock-offs of this cutter out there which are imported from overseas. Ours is made in America. That's the difference in price. If you want to save then buy their cutter but if you want American quality and precision, then this is the cutter for you.
This tool is great for table top lathes such as Porper, Hightower and Unique (taper shaper and their CNC) as well as larger floor lathes and Align-Rite CNC machines. The diameter is 1.25" with a 1/4" shank; incredibly small but with the necessary power. Carbide Tipped!
This is made on a CNC machine and the blades are all in-line with one another. This is a 6 flute router bit for extreme accuracy, smooth cuts and less vibration. You'll get ultra smooth cuts on shafts and butts. The cut is so smooth that it appears as if the finished piece has been sanded and buffed! Exceptionally clean cuts. A must for the serious cue builder.
We use this 6 flute blade on our router when cutting shafts and butts with our 14" X 40" tapering lathe as well as other machines. This is a great cutter!
- Unsolicited Testimonial -
"I just used my new 6 fluted router blade. This blade is far superior to any other, it's hard to describe the results. The cut is much faster and smoother than anything I have ever used. I want to thank Cue Components for making such a great product available". CS Warsaw, MO

Southwest Style 3/8-11 Center Drilled Brass Joint Pins
Unit price perSouthwest Style 3/8-11 Center Drilled Brass Joint Pins
Unit price perWe are offering 3/8-11 Center Drilled Brass Southwest style joint pins for sale.
Pins are 1.3 oz in weight and are 3" long.
Easy to install and guaranteed accuracy when completed.
The Brass is also USA made.

Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts
Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts
This is without question the finest cue makers shaft sealant/stabilizer and final coat shaft sealer on the market today.
Speed Seal II Shaft Sealer & Stabilizer is sold in 16oz bottles and applies easily. And, it dries quickly too. Very quick!
For refinishing shafts: All you do is apply two coats back-to-back, sand (with 800) and wax. It's that quick!
For sealing shafts between cuts: Best to wipe on after the first cut and then again 2 cuts from final for lasting protection and stabilization. Add again at final stage when prepping the shaft for the actual sale.
When you're done you'll have a finish that is smooth as silk and will remain that way through all the abuse of playing.
Ever wonder how some cue makers get their shafts to glide like silk? Well, wonder no more!
Leading cue makers have been using this product for years with phenomenal results. You can too.
Tiger Paw Shaper & Scuffer
Tiger Paw Shaper & Scuffer
The all new Tiger Paw Tip Shaper & Scuffer! This fine billiard cue instrument is an all anodized aluminum body. The Tiger Paw shaper & scuffer is extremely durable and very light weight; less than 4oz and measures 2.5" x 5" and only about a 1/4" in height. It comes with both a dime and nickel shapers. For scuffing and shaping your cue tips, you have both a fine and coarse plates at your disposal. These laser cut plates will last forever and don't need to be replaced. The assembly is well constructed and will last a lifetime.
Now, if you look at the inset picture, you'll see the distributor price list from Tiger Products out of California. As many of you know, we don't get along with this little weasel and his Gestapo tactics nor his Un-American MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) pricing controls. We stopped being a distributor for him when we took a stand against his MAP control pricing. We refused to adhere to his market manipulation. We told him to take his products and shove them up where the sun never shines.
We're selling a very similar item called the Tiger Paw Shaper & Scuffer. It pretty much does the exact same things but at a much more realistic and better price point.

Tina Leather Cutting Blade
Tina Leather Cutting Blade
You can't beat this for the size and price! Why pay up to $40 and more for an actual Tina Blade when this will do the same job for 1/4 of the price! Plus you get extra blades too as well as a safety cover.
A great value and much safer than a steel Tina Blade!

Tip Shaper
Tip Shaper
This is a simple and great tool that every cue maker and pool player should have. It's a simple shaper and mushroom trimmer. If your tip mushrooms, use this; that simple. All you do it put the tip against the blade and turn. It doesn't get any simpler and works great.

Tip Tool Bowtie
Tip Tool Bowtie
We have a tip shaper, tip scuffer, and a tip pick all made into a convenient tool that fits in your pocket.
Check out the new Morakami™ Gator Shaper Tip Tool

Tough Tip™ Cyanoacrylate
Tough Tip™ Cyanoacrylate
This product is specifically designed to install tips and has a 'rubber toughened" mixture which can withstand and absorb the shock of the 'hit'. Other epoxies and glues bond well but the glue cracks from the hit and therefore can cause premature debonding whereas the tip will pop off. The rubber toughened formula absorbs this impact and does not crack.
Now, for the best part... all rubber toughened cyanoacrylates are black in color. This is extremely messy to use but does work great. However, our formula is available in a clear mixture only!!! A great breakthrough for the tip installer.
These are offered as 1oz bottles. This is sufficient to do many, many tip installations.
Westinghouse Linen Micarta Ferrule
Westinghouse Linen Micarta Ferrule
This pool cue ferrule material is Genuine yellow Westinghouse Linen Micarta from many moons ago. This is a linen based micarta ferrule material (not a paper based micarta ferrule material). This linen based micarta is a strong ferrule material that will still generate a good amount of spin. These are a rare ferrule material so get them while you can. Strictly in limited supply. Pricing subject to change without notice.
The photo above shows raw solid Westinghouse Linen Micarta ferrule blanks in block form, square form, in round form, and a drilled and tapped raw micarta ferrule. And lastly, there is one finished and polished so you know what they will look like when installed (we do nice work, huh!). :-)
These are approximately .540" round x 1.060" in length. The squares have a slightly larger diameter.
Drilled and tapped are supplied in round form only. Squares cannot be supplied drilled and tapped.

XTC Ferrule Material
Unit price perXTC Ferrule Material
Unit price perA lightweight UV stabilized Thermoplastic material. Soft white in color with good chalk resistance, this tubing machines easily and works well with most glues. Epoxy is recommended for installation. XTC hits slightly softer than the Melamine materials. Not recommended for use in Jump/Break Cues, or for use with any coolants or solvents containing hydrocarbons when machining as the material may break down. Use of Synthetic Coolants or Solvents is fine.
Each ferrule is approximately .530 in diameter and 1.100" in length with a 5/16-14 thread and a glue relief hole.
Great lightweight ferrules.

Proper Finishing Techniques Using Epoxy & Cyano
Proper Finishing Techniques Using Epoxy & Cyano
This DVD will run approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes.
Finish a cue with Cyano? Sure, why not. It's easy, fast and lasts when done properly. We demonstrate technique and how to avoid cracking, lifting and fading by using the right products. This DVD shows full application techniques as well as proper sanding technique to avoid 'hills and valleys'. When you site down the cut it will look like glass.

Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques
Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques
This DVD runs approximately 2.5 hours.
This is a two part DVD set which will run at least 2.5 hours. There is a lot of information in this DVD which includes proper construction methods and covers common mistakes and how to avoid them. You will have all the necessary information and you will be shown detailed techniques for constructing flawless and uniform "V" points. Everything imaginable is covered and you will not be left with unanswered questions. We cover it all and we're extremely thorough. This is the absolute best production out there for learning "V" points. You will surely not be disappointed and you'll feel that this was money well spent. This 2.5 hour production proves that we left nothing out.

Proper Coring Techniques
Proper Coring Techniques
This DVD will run 65 minutes.
This is an extensive DVD on all aspects of coring. We demonstrate coring techniques, necessary tools and woods as well as in-depth discussion. We show you what to do and why you need to do it as well as what not to do. Nothing is missed as this is a thorough demonstration and teaching DVD.

Proper Shaft Cutting Techniques
Proper Shaft Cutting Techniques
This DVD will run 72 minutes.
This DVD will cover proper shaft cutting techniques for maximum yield. Shafts have a tendency of warping and our procedure for cutting shafts and how is by far the very best. It yields almost 100% usable shaft wood with minimal warping. Joe has tested and tried many methods and procedures. This DVD shows the best time schedule, method and to what size as well as dipping procedures in Shaft Dip (the DVD mentions Resolute but substitute it with Shaft Dip). This is a must have for the beginner and even the veteran as we can all learn something.

Proper Tip, Tenon and Ferrule Installation Techniques
Proper Tip, Tenon and Ferrule Installation Techniques
This DVD is a two part DVD set which runs two hours and twenty minutes! We cover everything imaginable with correct installation, facing and finishing proceedures. We also cover business tactics and general conversation about tips, tenons and ferrules. No other DVD is this comprehensive. It even covers common mistakes and how to avoid them. We didn't miss anything and the length proves that! Great photography, great discussion and great detailed techniques shown close-up. You'll be a pro after watching this and following our advice.
If you're looking to just do tenons, tips and ferrules or if you're looking to learn how to build your own cue, then this video is for you. There is nothing else on the market like this video. We'll show you how to properly install a tenon. We'll show you how to properly install a ferrule from threading the tenon to installation. And we'll show you how to properly prepare a tip and install it.
We'll also show you how not to install a tenon, a ferrule and a tip. We'll lay many of the myths to rest and show you many little tricks which you'll never figure out or which will take you years to figure out. We show you how to avoid the glue line between the ferrule and shaft. We show you how to mate the tip and ferrule so that your work lasts for the life of a tip. We'll show you how to properly shape a tip.
We'll show you how to do a quality job with precision and care. Your work will stand out.
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