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161 products
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Introduction to Cue Building - 101
Introduction to Cue Building - 101
This DVD will run 110 minutes.
So, you want to build cues. Why? Perhaps it's for the long hours. Perhaps it's for the many frustrating moments. Perhaps it's for the waste of large amounts of wood. Perhaps it's for the hours and hours you spend in the shop only to come out with one huge screw-up. It's surely not for the money.
Are you looking for a hobby? Are you looking to build your own cue? Are you looking to make a few cues here and there for friends and family? Are you looking to supplement your income? Are you looking to build a new business? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to watch this DVD.
We'll take you through the very beginning stages of what to buy, when to buy it and why to buy various items at the pace we set. We'll help you decide what tools to buy. We'll help you decide what lathe to buy whether it's a Proper, Hightower, Unique or a twelve-hundred pound floor lathe. We'll demonstrate on each of the previously mentioned lathes so you can make the best decision for your means. We'll talk about the benefits and draw-backs to each. This is an extensive beginning introduction into cue building and what it really takes from the bare minimum to a fully blown-out shop. You can get in for a couple of thousand to tens of thousands. It all depends how deep your pockets are and how much time you have to invest.
There is nothing on the market that comes close to this DVD. It will help you make the right decisions, steer you in the correct direction and show you what to buy and why you need it.
This DVD is only an introduction into cue building. It is not a how to and does not demonstrate any aspects of cue building. It is a lecture on cue building. You'll learn a lot from this DVD and you'll be more knowledgeable once you decide what you want to do. This DVD is money well spent.

Barringer Cue Building DVD's
Barringer Cue Building DVD's
Here's the complete set in one packaged price. A total of 944 minutes or almost 16 hours of individualized training.
You'll watch these over and over and learn each time you watch them. Nothing is left out as we cover it all; complete cue construction!
Here's the best summary we've received...
"If you can't build a cue after watching these videos give it up and go back to working at McDonalds".
AG, Greenwood, LA

Proper Veneer Construction Techniques
Proper Veneer Construction Techniques
This DVD runs 90 minutes.
This DVD covers two proper techniques of installing veneer work to your points. It will also cover how to cut veneers with and without a mill in detail. We'll show two methods both of which produce accurate and clean veneer work. This is the ultimate in precision veneer technique.
If you are new to cue building, you will need to purchase Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques to fully understand how point work is done. This DVD picks up where the other one leaves off. Doing veneer work is the next level of cue construction.
If you are accustomed to building cues with points and want to learn flawless veneer work or if you just want to see different technique, then perhaps you won't need the previous DVD - Proper "V" Point Construction Techniques. However, if your point work is not up to speed without doing veneers, then this DVD will not produce the desired results. Flawless construction technique will produce the desired results. And, unless you know how everything is accomplished up to doing veneers, this part will not produce the desired results without flawless construction prior to doing veneers.
After viewing this DVD, you'll find that doing veneer work, as labor intensive as it is, will be very easy and rewarding. Our step-by-step procedures makes it easy to follow and understand. It's really a no-brainer!

Proper Joint Pin Installation Techniques
Proper Joint Pin Installation Techniques
This DVD will run about 65 minutes.
This is one of the hardest parts of cue building to master. We've taught people how to do a joint pin and they do it accurately in our presence but when they try to do it at home it's not so easy. The joint pin installation can be one of the most frustrating areas to cue building.
In this video, we'll show you how to properly install a joint pin. We'll show you what you need, why you need them and finally how to do it. We'll also show you how not to install a joint pin and why the problem is created by different methods. We'll also show you how to save that cue from an improperly installed joint pin. You'll learn everything you need to learn and why things happen and finally how to do it properly for 100% success each time.
And we'll show you two different methods of properly installing the joint pin and two different methods of when to install it.

Proper Handle/Forearm Connection Techniques
Proper Handle/Forearm Connection Techniques
This DVD will run about 65 minutes.
This is probably one of the hardest things to master in cue construction. When we finished taping this DVD, Bob said that we made it look so easy. And it really is. If you follow our step-by-step procedure, you too will find it easy. We've seen so many cue makers battling themselves in this area of construction when it's all unnecessary. If you listen and apply, it will all come together for you as easily as it does for us each and every time. It's not difficult once you know proper techniques.

Proper Butt Sleeve Installation Techniques
Proper Butt Sleeve Installation Techniques
This DVD will run approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes.
Installing a butt sleeve is a simple procedure, correct? Wrong. There are correct methods and incorrect methods. We show one simple method with techniques that make it easy and accurate. Additionally, we also show a method that few cue builders utilize but produces great results. We believe this method has never been shown and demonstrated. Although more labor intensive, the results are worth it. We demonstrate by showing you how to achieve total accuracy and precision as well as mastering the technique. This DVD is excellent and extremely worthwhile.
As previously mentioned, butt sleeves are a cake walk (hardly). Well, here's an unsolicited comment: "On a different note, I really liked your new dvds. I was pleasantly surprised that the butt sleeve dvd had as much information as it did". JB, IN.
For 90 minutes there's a lot of valuable information in there! You don't know it all.
Moori® Jewel Cue Tips
Moori® Jewel Cue Tips
These are the new and exciting Moori® Jewel Cue Tips. As with all Moori® Cue Tips comes one of the finest known and longest manufactured laminated tips on the market. Moori® has been around for decades before all other contenders. More than 5 years in R&D. The results are fantastic!
• Moori® Jewels are unparalleled in quality and control.
• Tips are 14mm.
• 8 laminated layers of pig skin.
• 3 hardness ratings for this tip: Soft, Medium Soft & Medium Hard.
• Control, spin and flexibility all in one tip.
• Moori® Jewel Tips are one of the most technologically advanced tips on the market.
• More than 5 years in the making, the Jewel uses the highest quality leather.
• Top rated players say tip quality is the key to cue ball control.
• Glue side is stamped to aid in installation.
G2 USA Cue Tips
G2 USA Cue Tips
Introducing the all new and impressive G2 USA™ pool cue tip. Proudly Made In The USA! These tips use the finest Japanese imported leather and are crafted using exact specification and tolerances. You're assured of consistent play all the time with minimal maintenance. You'll be a happy camper when you select G2 USA™ as your tip of choice.
Additionally, each G2 USA™ cue tip is sealed in its own pouch to protect your investment from the elements and keep your tip as fresh as the day you purchased it. Sure, all this packaging adds to our costs but we aim to provide you, our valued friends and clients with the very best MAP fighting products at money saving prices.
Here's the long story... As many of you know, we are one of the largest sellers of cue tips in the industry. We make the market in all high end tips. We refuse to have anyone tell us what we can and should sell a product for on the wholesale or retail level (we believe in a free American marketplace without pricing manipulation and controls). Manufacturers today insist on using MAP or Minimum Advertised Pricing to sell their wares. And, unfortunately there are many spineless dealers out there who would rather capitulate than tell these manufacturers where to go. We tell them where they can take their products and where they can shove them if they expect us to adhere to the manipulating MAP tactics.
MAP forces the consumer to pay a higher than normal retail price that a free market would never allow. The market should set prices and not any manufacturer sitting in an ivory tower in some foreign country.
We were selling G2 Japan tips for well over a year at discounted pricing. Never any issues. Then, all these foreign market manipulating companies discovered that they could serial number their tips to thwart counterfeiting or that's what they want you to believe. They market these as a consumer protection device and for the benefit of the consumer but the truth is a far different story. Please read on...
By installing these serial numbers, they can now track to whom they sell their tips. They can sell tips numbered 1000 to their distributor Charlie in Asia. They can sell their tips numbered 2000 to their distributor Frank in Canada. They can sell their tips numbered 3000 to Sam in California and so on. Until they numbered their tips, they had no control to where and whom their tips were sold. Sam in California could sell to a client in Germany which is against their distributor agreement. Charlie in Asia could sell to us in the USA and no one would know. Therefore, Kamui and G2 came up with this serial numbering system.
By knowing where and to what distributor certain serial numbers are sold, the manufacturers can monitor who is selling their products and to whom.
We were buying our G2 Japan tips from a supplier and selling them for a free market price. That is, until G2 Japan who is based in China put a stop to the distributor who was selling us their tips. We had enough inventory to last many months after we were and our distributor were cut off.
So, most people would tuck their tails under and ride off into the sunset. NOT US! We took exception to their underhanded tactics and decided to manufacture our own G2 USA™ cue tip in direct competition to their G2 Japan cue tip. After months of research, finding suppliers for quality leather and manufacturing, we are proud to offer you, our valued clients and friends, the newest addition to our MAP fighting arsenal of quality tips.
G2 USA™ cue tips are now available to you and at money saving prices. Why pay foreign companies their inflated and market manipulated prices?! Buy G2 USA™ and support an American Company (CueComponents) who goes to great lengths to bring you fairly priced and exceptional products.
Tiger Dynamite Cue Tips
Tiger Dynamite Cue Tips
Tiger Dynamite cue tips at low prices and great reviews -- These are a hard cue tip and are a very consistent cue tip with good control. Dynamite multi layer cue tip is made out of five layers of pig leather and treated to a specific hardness naturally. Laminated with VACULAM™ process, Dynamite cue tip is the best priced laminated cue tip for it's quality and durability. This tip is the ideal tip for cue makers and manufacturers as the standard tip for their line of cues. When you play with Dynamite multi layer cue tip, IT BLOWS THE COMPETITION AWAY!!
Hardness: Hard (5)
Tiger Durometer (Type A): 97
Mueller Durometer (Type B/C): 80-83
Diameter: 14 mm only
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!

Juma Ferrule Material
Unit price perJuma Ferrule Material
Unit price perThe Juma material is a light ivory colored thermoset plastic rod. It machines easily and polishes up to a fine luster, and will not mushroom. It is chalk resistant when polished. The hit is great and feels a lot like Ivory.
Each ferrule is approximately .562 in diameter and 1.100" in length.
Lex Ferrule Clear & Black Solid
Unit price perLex Ferrule Clear & Black Solid
Unit price perThe Lex Ferrules in solid format are made of ultra-durable Lexan (polycarbonate material). These ferrules are lightweight, resistant to cracks, and perfect for those who value durability and performance. Use them for dome ferrules or regular ferrules with exceptional grip and performance for jumps and breaks. Available in Clear or Black for customization.
American Raptor Cue Tips Black & Brown
American Raptor Cue Tips Black & Brown
These American Raptor Pool Cue Tips are 14mm. They have 9 consistent and skillfully skived brown layers of fine grade 1 pigskin. There is a special red layer of fine pigskin for a total of 9 layers of precision.
These tips grab the ball, hold chalk really well, don't glaze over, don't mushroom and your miscues will be non-existent. Buy some & try some -- you'll be glad you did.
With the American Raptor Performance Cue Tip you'll have your opponent guessing just what's on your cue which allows you to have such control to make the cue ball dance on the table.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Samson Pool Cue Tips 8 Layer
Unit price perSamson Pool Cue Tips 8 Layer
Unit price perSamson Pool Cue Tips are 14mm and 8 layers. Samson Tips are medium tips that are the rage because of their consistent quality and low price. Samson Pool Cue Tips are made from high grade pig skin and pressed together using the latest adhesives and pressure treatments. Samson Tips transfer more spin and control over other similar tips and really hold chalk well. Samson tips hold their shape!
- Unsolicited Testimonial -
I really like these tips and have put 3 on the 7 on my sticks and have noticed a great improvement over the single layer tips I was accustomed to. I was a dedicated Triangle user for 20 years. Thank you for a great product.
J.M. Yakima, WA
Samson tips are guaranteed to hold chalk well and will not mushroom. Samson Tips will give you maximum control, consistency and least amount of deflection a tip can offer.
Buy some today as you wont be disappointed. They work real well and don't let the low price fool you. We're the direct importers so no middlemen to hog up all the profits where we can pass the savings on to you and we do!
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Only available in Medium!
Samson V Layered Professional Pool Cue Tip
Unit price perSamson V Layered Professional Pool Cue Tip
Unit price perSamson V is a 5 Layer Professional Pool Cue Tip which offers amazing high quality, consistency and control. They are a genuine medium five layer natural pig skin tip. Samson V offer the player a quality tip with control and durability at an extremely affordable price. Samson V pool cue tips hold chalk well, don't mushroom and won't glaze over. Samson V tips play better than other 5 layer tips on the market not only in quality but in price too.
Compare the other 5 layer tips that are rough cut, fuzzy and discolored to a Samson and you'll easily notice the differences. Samson V are a professional quality pig skin pool cue tip for those wanting long lasting quality. Try some and see for your self.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Tiger Sniper Pool Cue Tips
Tiger Sniper Pool Cue Tips
These Sniper cue tips are manufactured with boar hide that was slowly tanned underground without using chemicals. They don't say what they did use but we do know that they don't use chemicals. Tiger claims it can take up to a year but we know better but it makes for good reading and hype. Tiger Products then claims that they treat the leather with some magical and mysterious product which they don't name but this magical potion will give your Sniper tip "characteristics that will improve your game". So, this magical 'dust' will now "improve your game". The heck with the tip - let's all ask Tiger Products to bottle this magical dust!
Now we'll discuss VACULAM which Tiger Products claims to be a trademarked word which comes from vacuum and laminated. Tiger Products is claiming that they put all their tips together with a vacuum laminated process where it vacuum presses the tips together. Unfortunately this very same process also draws the glue into the leather fibers which many now agree is not good for hit and consistency. You don't want to play with glue; you want to play with leather. Whether or not VACULAM is any good is a matter of opinion - try a Sniper tip and you be the judge as they do play well despite the 'ticking' sound.
Tiger Products goes on to say that they also have added a new "treatment" called "APP" or Advanced Pressurized Process. They claim by doing this process it can make the cue tips adaptable to any player, for any game regardless how, when or where you play. How convenient! Personally, we think these and all Tiger Tips are manufactured with their secret process called "FOC" - Full of Crap!
Regardless whether they are manufactured with APP or FOC, they do play well and also hold chalk and Tiger claims they will not mushroom. Yada, Yada, Yada and of course they will give you maximum control, (whatever that is), consistency and of course the least amount of deflection. I wonder how they know since that really can't be tested accurately or consistently. Tiger Sniper Laminated Cue Tips - More hype and another cue tips that competes with all the rest. More crap to buy but they do play well.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
White Diamond Cue Tips Jump/Break by Joe Picone
Unit price perWhite Diamond Cue Tips Jump/Break by Joe Picone
Unit price per
Lead time: 3-4 months
The White Diamond Ultra cue tip is one of the real secrets for a top performing jump cue or break cue. Picone White Diamond tips are a multi-layered tip. Made from a specially selected fiber, they go through an 11 step process before becoming a finished tip. Each tip is inspected before packaging to the insure you the highest quality.
Only available in 14 millimeter diameter.
What is the difference in the "Picone White Diamond Ultra tip"?
* The "Picone White Ultra Diamond tip" is not a phenolic tip. Phenolic resins are hard and brittle and although they do make the ball jump as well as break hard, can be difficult to glue and very prone to miscues.
* It allows you to put english on the cue ball. You can jump with english, stop the cue ball, even drawing it back.
* When used for the break or jump-cue, gone is the glass breaking sound and fear of miscue.
* Tips can be glued on with most common Super-Gels or epoxies, and are much less prone to popping off.
* They are easily installed even with standard cue repair tools, you do not need a lathe. It is best to use a tip close to the size of the shaft for easier installation. If you have no experience with tip installation though, it is still best left to the professional.
* No need to change your ferrule and because the tip is layered, it will not chip, fracture or split as is common with tip-ferrule combos made from common phenolic rod.
* The Picone White Diamond Ultra tip is not harmful to balls or equipment.

Auronlyte Ferrules
Unit price perAuronlyte Ferrules
Unit price perThese are a very light weight yet strong composite ferrule material which delivers a exceptional 'hit'. It is easily maintained, polishes to a high shine and is chalk resistant. These are slightly over 1" in length and 13mm in diameter with an inside diameter of 5/16" (.3125).

Buffalo Horn Ferrules, Joints, Butts & Slabs & Camel Bone Slabs
From $0.00
Unit price perBuffalo Horn Ferrules, Joints, Butts & Slabs & Camel Bone Slabs
From $0.00
Unit price perThe photo shows Black Buffalo Horn materials in ferrules, joints, butt caps and slabs. The white is Camel bone which is great for inlay or ivory substitute.
These are all premium materials. They will finish up extremely well.
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