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156 products
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Maximus Professional Cue Tips
Unit price perMaximus Professional Cue Tips
Unit price perMaximus Professional Cue Tips are a 14mm high end black pigskin layered pool cue tip that is designed for maximum efficiency, maximum play and most importantly maximum control. These tips are selectively skived from the finest pigskin to within thousandths to achieve the same thickness each and everytime. They are then treated with a proprietary resin to maintain their shape, form, density and playability. These are a 8 layer tip which are available in Soft, Medium and Hard.
Maximus Professional Cue Tips maintain their shape, don't glaze over, won't mushroom and cut beautifully for easy and perfect installation.
Try the new Morakami Performance Chalk with these Exceptional Maximus Cue Tips for ultimate performance!
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!

G2 USA Cue Tips
G2 USA Cue Tips
Introducing the all new and impressive G2 USA™ pool cue tip. Proudly Made In The USA! These tips use the finest Japanese imported leather and are crafted using exact specification and tolerances. You're assured of consistent play all the time with minimal maintenance. You'll be a happy camper when you select G2 USA™ as your tip of choice.
Additionally, each G2 USA™ cue tip is sealed in its own pouch to protect your investment from the elements and keep your tip as fresh as the day you purchased it. Sure, all this packaging adds to our costs but we aim to provide you, our valued friends and clients with the very best MAP fighting products at money saving prices.
Here's the long story... As many of you know, we are one of the largest sellers of cue tips in the industry. We make the market in all high end tips. We refuse to have anyone tell us what we can and should sell a product for on the wholesale or retail level (we believe in a free American marketplace without pricing manipulation and controls). Manufacturers today insist on using MAP or Minimum Advertised Pricing to sell their wares. And, unfortunately there are many spineless dealers out there who would rather capitulate than tell these manufacturers where to go. We tell them where they can take their products and where they can shove them if they expect us to adhere to the manipulating MAP tactics.
MAP forces the consumer to pay a higher than normal retail price that a free market would never allow. The market should set prices and not any manufacturer sitting in an ivory tower in some foreign country.
We were selling G2 Japan tips for well over a year at discounted pricing. Never any issues. Then, all these foreign market manipulating companies discovered that they could serial number their tips to thwart counterfeiting or that's what they want you to believe. They market these as a consumer protection device and for the benefit of the consumer but the truth is a far different story. Please read on...
By installing these serial numbers, they can now track to whom they sell their tips. They can sell tips numbered 1000 to their distributor Charlie in Asia. They can sell their tips numbered 2000 to their distributor Frank in Canada. They can sell their tips numbered 3000 to Sam in California and so on. Until they numbered their tips, they had no control to where and whom their tips were sold. Sam in California could sell to a client in Germany which is against their distributor agreement. Charlie in Asia could sell to us in the USA and no one would know. Therefore, Kamui and G2 came up with this serial numbering system.
By knowing where and to what distributor certain serial numbers are sold, the manufacturers can monitor who is selling their products and to whom.
We were buying our G2 Japan tips from a supplier and selling them for a free market price. That is, until G2 Japan who is based in China put a stop to the distributor who was selling us their tips. We had enough inventory to last many months after we were and our distributor were cut off.
So, most people would tuck their tails under and ride off into the sunset. NOT US! We took exception to their underhanded tactics and decided to manufacture our own G2 USA™ cue tip in direct competition to their G2 Japan cue tip. After months of research, finding suppliers for quality leather and manufacturing, we are proud to offer you, our valued clients and friends, the newest addition to our MAP fighting arsenal of quality tips.
G2 USA™ cue tips are now available to you and at money saving prices. Why pay foreign companies their inflated and market manipulated prices?! Buy G2 USA™ and support an American Company (CueComponents) who goes to great lengths to bring you fairly priced and exceptional products.

Maintenance Drive Sets
Maintenance Drive Sets
These are the finest maintenance kits available and they offer versatility. These are best used when doing shaft and butt repairs when you need the work piece held precisely and firmly in your chuck. Each tool contains the male and female end. The barrel (without the threads) measure approximately 3" and the barrel is approximately .600" is diameter and made of high grade aluminum.
Our prices are the same for all models. You won't find these anywhere at prices this low. Only because of our huge buying power can we make these available at these ridiculously low, low prices.

Pool Cue Rubber Bumpers
Unit price perPool Cue Rubber Bumpers
Unit price perWe have four styles as pictured. We are selling these individually and groups of 10 and 20. Choose whatever style you like
Please click on picture for the specs of the bumpers.
A) Beveled Top (which requires an allen screw)
B) Threaded Stem Type - 3/8 x 16
C) Large Push In Flat South West Style
D) Push In Flat South West Style
Check out our new SouthWest Style Joint Pins.
Genuine Moori USA Cue Tips
Genuine Moori USA Cue Tips
We took the plunge and decided to manufacture our own line of Genuine Moori USA™ Cue Tips (to be out from under foreign supply, control & pricing). Our Genuine Moori USA™ Cue Tips are available in soft, medium and hard. You are purchasing GENUINE MOORI USA™ Products here!
Genuine Moori USA™ Cue Tips are 8 layers which are available in Soft, Medium and Hard. Our prices are probably the lowest around. These cue tips are manufactured to tight tolerances using the finest imported Japanese pig skin leather.
All Genuine Moori USA™ Cue Tips are 14mm.
These are comparable to Moori Japan cue tips but only less expensive because we are the manufacturers and distributors. Try some and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the quality and performance. No one can compete with us for cue tips which is well documented and by our lowest cue tip prices in the USA and Canada (and probably worldwide).
Morakami II Cue Tips - Black
Unit price perMorakami II Cue Tips - Black
Unit price perMorakami II™ Cue Tips are made with the finest Japanese pig skin which are then factory sealed in a pill-type encasement to protect the structure and freshness of your new tip.
Morakami II™ Cue Tips are engineered for maximum performance using the latest leather and adhesives while providing you with Chalk and Shoot™ technology.
Morakami II™ Cue Tips are engineered to be the best with each tip manufactured to exacting specifications. The hardness levels are precise and the consistency is second to none. Each hardness level is distinctly different from one another. The difference is visually noticeable. Morakami II™ Cue Tips offer you more skin for a longer lasting tip or you can cut it back to any level you feel comfortable with. They are available in 14mm Super Soft, Soft, Medium and Hard.
Morakami II™ Super Soft Cue Tips are 8mm tall (Duro Hardness = 70.6)
Morakami II™ Soft Cue Tips are 7.6mm tall (Duro Hardness = 73.1)
Morakami II™ Medium Cue Tips are 7.3mm tall (Duro Hardness = 79.4)
Morakami II™ Hard Cue Tips are 7mm tall (Duro Hardness = 86.0)
As you can see the Morakami II™ line of fine precision Cue Tips are constructed to a specific thickness for each hardness. These tips will not mushroom and they will hold their shape and hardness level for the life of the tip.
When you play with a Morakami II™ Black Cue Tip, it will provide you with 100% confidence which allows you to concentrate on the game and not the tip.
Morakami II™ Cue Tips grab the cue ball like no other tip to offer you maximum control.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with Morakami Performance Chalk.
White Diamond Cue Tips Jump/Break by Joe Picone
Unit price perWhite Diamond Cue Tips Jump/Break by Joe Picone
Unit price per
Lead time: 3-4 months
The White Diamond Ultra cue tip is one of the real secrets for a top performing jump cue or break cue. Picone White Diamond tips are a multi-layered tip. Made from a specially selected fiber, they go through an 11 step process before becoming a finished tip. Each tip is inspected before packaging to the insure you the highest quality.
Only available in 14 millimeter diameter.
What is the difference in the "Picone White Diamond Ultra tip"?
* The "Picone White Ultra Diamond tip" is not a phenolic tip. Phenolic resins are hard and brittle and although they do make the ball jump as well as break hard, can be difficult to glue and very prone to miscues.
* It allows you to put english on the cue ball. You can jump with english, stop the cue ball, even drawing it back.
* When used for the break or jump-cue, gone is the glass breaking sound and fear of miscue.
* Tips can be glued on with most common Super-Gels or epoxies, and are much less prone to popping off.
* They are easily installed even with standard cue repair tools, you do not need a lathe. It is best to use a tip close to the size of the shaft for easier installation. If you have no experience with tip installation though, it is still best left to the professional.
* No need to change your ferrule and because the tip is layered, it will not chip, fracture or split as is common with tip-ferrule combos made from common phenolic rod.
* The Picone White Diamond Ultra tip is not harmful to balls or equipment.

Custom Veneer Strips
Custom Veneer Strips
We are offering the finest and most populate size dyed sycamore available in 1.350" X 11.5" X .6mm thick. These veneers strips are high quality and very consistent. You can purchase veneers strips for less but compare quality with price. Our dyed sycamore is about twice the cost of lower grade dyed poplar veneers. The colors are vibrant, consistent and have withstood the test of time. We offer 11 different colors: black, burgundy, dark blue, green, light blue, natural, orange, purple, red and yellow.
For your edification, the .6mm are .75 each. The .6mm are great for any application especially when doing 4, 5, 6, or 8 points and if you want 3, 4 or even 5 veneer colors.
We no longer carry the .9mm veneers as they are no longer popular since most cue makers and buyers are trending towards finer and more detailed craftsmanship.
Morakami II Cue Tips - Brown
Unit price perMorakami II Cue Tips - Brown
Unit price perMorakami™Cue Tips are the highest quality imported Japanese cue tip on the market.
Morakami II™ Cue Tips are engineered for maximum performance using the latest leather and adhesives while providing you with Chalk and Shoot™ technology.
They are a full 9 layers of high quality pig skin which play incredibly true and are 14mm. They are available in Soft, Medium and Quick (hard). Morakami II™ Brown Cue Tips are stable, consistent and fresh due to their protective pill type encasement. You can bank on consistent playability and quality that Morakami II™ Cue Tips are known for the world over.
Morakami II™ Cue Tips provide you with:
* Confident grip
* Consistent cue ball control
* Sealed to protect the quality
* Maintain their shape
* 9 layers of Japanese pig skin
* 14mm in diameter
* Easily install
* Easy to shape
* The best brown layered tip available at any price
- Self Serving Testimonial -
Note From Joe Barringer: These play like the old Moori - incredibly great playing tip! The best part is that there are no middlemen, no advertised pricing schemes that screw you over. Morakami II™ - just a great playing tip at a reasonable price.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
Thomas Cue Tips Laminated Cue Tips
Unit price perThomas Cue Tips Laminated Cue Tips
Unit price perThe Thomas Cue Tip is one of the finest layered tip on the market. This is the first tip we've marketed and sold that we will not compare to a Moori Cue Tip or any other tips as the Thomas Cue Tip can stand on its own. They're that good! These are 14mm.
As many of you know, one of the leading laminated tips is very famous and known for its quality but it tends to mushroom. Thomas Cue Tips don't mushroom!
As many of you know, another leading new layered tip craze to hit the market is being promoted with huge fanfair however they tend to glaze over along the edges causing miscues. Thomas Cue Tips don't glaze over!
Thomas Cue Tips hold their shape, hold chalk, offer excellent cue ball control and consistent play. They hold up and you'll love these tips over any other tip on the market. These tips are that great.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.

Fiber Ferrule Pads
Fiber Ferrule Pads
Fiber ferrule pads are used between the ferrule and the tip. Some believe this protects the ferrule while others believe it enhances the 'hit'. Both are actually correct. It depends which camp you're in.
We recommend using these especially with Genuine Elephant Ivory Ferrules.
Each pad is .031" thick and 14mm diameter.

Clear Ferrule Pads
Unit price perClear Ferrule Pads
Unit price perOur acrylic disk ferrule pads are much softer than fiber or carbon fiber pads. They measure .552 in diameter and .080 in thickness. Our pads are thicker than our competition to allow room for error when cutting down (sometimes we shave off too much). These will protect the ferrule without compromising the hit. This material glues on best with either cyanoacrylate adhesives.
White Linen Ferrules
Unit price perWhite Linen Ferrules
Unit price perThese are a fine white linen based weave. These blanks are drilled 5/16" through. These are impact resistant and quite strong whereby producing a softer medium hit. They bond well with epoxy and wood glue. The dimensions are approximately .545 in diameter and 1" in length.
Mix and Match between Off White and Pearl white.

Meucci Original Ferrule Rods
Meucci Original Ferrule Rods
These are original Meucci replacements ferrule rods. They are .562 round X 1 foot in length. You can cut, drill and tap these as needed for your requirements.

Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts
Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts
This is without question the finest cue makers shaft sealant/stabilizer and final coat shaft sealer on the market today.
Speed Seal II Shaft Sealer & Stabilizer is sold in 16oz bottles and applies easily. And, it dries quickly too. Very quick!
For refinishing shafts: All you do is apply two coats back-to-back, sand (with 800) and wax. It's that quick!
For sealing shafts between cuts: Best to wipe on after the first cut and then again 2 cuts from final for lasting protection and stabilization. Add again at final stage when prepping the shaft for the actual sale.
When you're done you'll have a finish that is smooth as silk and will remain that way through all the abuse of playing.
Ever wonder how some cue makers get their shafts to glide like silk? Well, wonder no more!
Leading cue makers have been using this product for years with phenomenal results. You can too.
Wizard USA Cue Tips
Unit price perWizard USA Cue Tips
Unit price perWe manufacture these here and these are not the China manufactured Wizard tips we've all known through the years. We decided to bring the manufacturing home and make our own Wizard USA™ cue tip to fight the higher prices charged by the California importer who keeps raising prices for no reason. She claims prices have gone up in China but this is not the truth. She took advantage of Covid and just keeps raising prices. How do we know this? Because we do manufacture some tips in China & Taiwan and no one has raised our pricing structure. Compare & $ave!
Our Wizard USA™ Cue Tips are an exceptional quality 11 layer tip and are available in Soft, Medium or Hard. These are 14mm tips. Many compare them to a Moori and some say they're better. Try some and we're sure you'll agree that Wizard USA™ Cue Tips are every bit as good as the higher priced China import layered tip.
If you require the finest glue to insure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
LePro Pool Cue Tips
Unit price perLePro Pool Cue Tips
Unit price perLePro Pool Cue Tips are another old reliable tip which are preferred by many top professionals. LePro cue tips are manufactured from a high grade oak leather which goes through an extensive tanning process producing a medium to medium hard tip. These are 14mm.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.

ThePro Pool Cue Tips (similar to LePro)
Unit price perThePro Pool Cue Tips (similar to LePro)
Unit price perThePro™ Pool Cue Tips are another Barringer cue toip to fight MAP from manufacturers such as Tweeten and their LePro cue tip. These are manufactured in the USA and produce a medium to medium hard tip extremely similar to Le Pro at a much more reasonable price point. These are 14mm.
Tweeten Fibre Company (manufacturers of the LePro Cue Tip) is a very difficult company to work with, sort of stuck up and for no good reason. They believe they have a niche market with a few products. Quite frankly, they have never done anything since "grandpa" invented their company & products.
With Tweeten's quest for arrogance, we decided to manufacture a competing product and sell them for a much more realistic price! Introducing, our all new ThePro™ Cue Tips. If you can tell the difference in play (when you get a good LePro), send them back and we'll eat them with a glass of milk!
The playability of our The Pro™ is the same as Tweeten's LePro Cue Tips! That is, when you get a good box of LePro’s. Very few tips in a box of LePro are usable. You'll be pleasantly surprised with the consistency and playability of our ThePr ™ cue tips.
These are only available in 14mm.
Overall, we are offering you, our friends and clients, a superb quality product and naturally at a much lower price point.
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