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Sniper Extreme Cue Tips
Unit price perSniper Extreme Cue Tips
Unit price perSniper Extreme™ Cue Tips for players who want Sniper quality, Sniper consistency, Sniper playability, Sniper Control and don't want Sniper high prices, we offer you the Sniper Extreme™ Cue Tip! For those of you who require ExtremePerformance with a high quality medium tip.
It's taken us 6 months to perfect and manufacture our Sniper Extreme™ Cue Tip. We're certain you'll agree that we achieved our goals at perfection. With a Sniper Extreme™ Cue Tip, you can see the quality, consistency and appearance. You can compare these Sniper Extreme™ Cue Tips to the other KopyKat lookalikes and $ave money buying Sniper Extreme™ Cue Tips.
These Sniper Extreme™ pool cue tips are manufactured with boar hide that is slowly tanned underground without using chemicals. These cue tips do play well and also hold chalk. They will not mushroom and of course they will give you maximum control, consistency and the least amount of deflection.
Sniper Extreme™ Cue Tips -- Extremely Better!
Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.

Southwest Style 3/8-11 Center Drilled Brass Joint Pins
Unit price perSouthwest Style 3/8-11 Center Drilled Brass Joint Pins
Unit price perWe are offering 3/8-11 Center Drilled Brass Southwest style joint pins for sale.
Pins are 1.3 oz in weight and are 3" long.
Easy to install and guaranteed accuracy when completed.
The Brass is also USA made.

Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts
Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts
This is without question the finest cue makers shaft sealant/stabilizer and final coat shaft sealer on the market today.
Speed Seal II Shaft Sealer & Stabilizer is sold in 16oz bottles and applies easily. And, it dries quickly too. Very quick!
For refinishing shafts: All you do is apply two coats back-to-back, sand (with 800) and wax. It's that quick!
For sealing shafts between cuts: Best to wipe on after the first cut and then again 2 cuts from final for lasting protection and stabilization. Add again at final stage when prepping the shaft for the actual sale.
When you're done you'll have a finish that is smooth as silk and will remain that way through all the abuse of playing.
Ever wonder how some cue makers get their shafts to glide like silk? Well, wonder no more!
Leading cue makers have been using this product for years with phenomenal results. You can too.

Sumo Tips
Unit price perSumo Tips
Unit price perSumo tips are made from water buffalo and are a hard tip These are great for breaking or jumping. You can even use them as a playing tip assuming you like a hard tip. These are only available in 14mm.
Try Super Pro.
LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE : We were fortunate to buy out the last remaining hoard. When these are gone, they're gone for good.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!

SUPER GOLD Odorless Cyanoacrylate
SUPER GOLD Odorless Cyanoacrylate
This is much safer to use than regular Cyanoacrylates. It is 100% odorless and as such it does not let off the fumes and odor of other Cyanoacrylates. In fact, the thin is used by many cue makers to finish their cues. It provides an easy way to finish a cue quickly while providing a very hard finish. Of course you can use the regular thin Cyano but this is safer when using it on large areas.
Safety should always be exercised when working with any Cyanoacrylates. As always, use a good respirator.
Super Pro Cue Tip Red & Brown
Unit price perSuper Pro Cue Tip Red & Brown
Unit price perSuper Pro tips are made with hand selected and hand crafted buffalo hide. Super Pro Tips are red or brown in color, 14mm, and they have a medium-hard hit. For the price and quality we believe you will be pleased. Order some Super Pro Tips today!
NOTE: These Super Pro Cue Tips are a full 14mm.
We are the leading distributors for this tip in the USA. If you need 1 box or 100 boxes or more we can deal with you.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.

ThePro Pool Cue Tips (similar to LePro)
Unit price perThePro Pool Cue Tips (similar to LePro)
Unit price perThePro™ Pool Cue Tips are another Barringer cue toip to fight MAP from manufacturers such as Tweeten and their LePro cue tip. These are manufactured in the USA and produce a medium to medium hard tip extremely similar to Le Pro at a much more reasonable price point. These are 14mm.
Tweeten Fibre Company (manufacturers of the LePro Cue Tip) is a very difficult company to work with, sort of stuck up and for no good reason. They believe they have a niche market with a few products. Quite frankly, they have never done anything since "grandpa" invented their company & products.
With Tweeten's quest for arrogance, we decided to manufacture a competing product and sell them for a much more realistic price! Introducing, our all new ThePro™ Cue Tips. If you can tell the difference in play (when you get a good LePro), send them back and we'll eat them with a glass of milk!
The playability of our The Pro™ is the same as Tweeten's LePro Cue Tips! That is, when you get a good box of LePro’s. Very few tips in a box of LePro are usable. You'll be pleasantly surprised with the consistency and playability of our ThePr ™ cue tips.
These are only available in 14mm.
Overall, we are offering you, our friends and clients, a superb quality product and naturally at a much lower price point.
Thomas Cue Tips Laminated Cue Tips
Unit price perThomas Cue Tips Laminated Cue Tips
Unit price perThe Thomas Cue Tip is one of the finest layered tip on the market. This is the first tip we've marketed and sold that we will not compare to a Moori Cue Tip or any other tips as the Thomas Cue Tip can stand on its own. They're that good! These are 14mm.
As many of you know, one of the leading laminated tips is very famous and known for its quality but it tends to mushroom. Thomas Cue Tips don't mushroom!
As many of you know, another leading new layered tip craze to hit the market is being promoted with huge fanfair however they tend to glaze over along the edges causing miscues. Thomas Cue Tips don't glaze over!
Thomas Cue Tips hold their shape, hold chalk, offer excellent cue ball control and consistent play. They hold up and you'll love these tips over any other tip on the market. These tips are that great.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
Tiger Cue Tips
Unit price perTiger Cue Tips
Unit price perTiger Cue Tips at low prices and great reviews: Tiger tips are Laminated with VACULAM™ process and made out of eleven layers of either pig skin for our medium and hard tips and cow hide for our soft, Tiger Laminated Cue Tips give the players the most choices on hardness, playability or control. Our Soft Tiger tips, made of white color cow hide, give the player all the benefits of a soft tip without mushrooming much. Both of our Medium and Hard Tiger tips have dark brown color and are made with two different type of treated pig skins. By using the natural characters of the leather we are able to achieve better consistency and maximum control on the specific hardness. Each hardness is then checked with a DUROMETER tester for it's range. Tiger Laminated Cue Tips, play with one and IMPROVE YOUR GAME!
Hardness: Soft (1.5+), Medium (3), Hard (5+)
Tiger Durometer (Type A): 94, 95, 97 Mueller
Durometer (Type B/C): 65-69, 73-75, 81-85
Diameter: 14 mm only
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Tiger Dynamite Cue Tips
Tiger Dynamite Cue Tips
Tiger Dynamite cue tips at low prices and great reviews -- These are a hard cue tip and are a very consistent cue tip with good control. Dynamite multi layer cue tip is made out of five layers of pig leather and treated to a specific hardness naturally. Laminated with VACULAM™ process, Dynamite cue tip is the best priced laminated cue tip for it's quality and durability. This tip is the ideal tip for cue makers and manufacturers as the standard tip for their line of cues. When you play with Dynamite multi layer cue tip, IT BLOWS THE COMPETITION AWAY!!
Hardness: Hard (5)
Tiger Durometer (Type A): 97
Mueller Durometer (Type B/C): 80-83
Diameter: 14 mm only
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Tiger Emerald Cue Tips
Tiger Emerald Cue Tips
We sell Emerald Cue Tips by Tiger for as low are $5.95 each! No one compares or competes with us! We review all tips and these tips perform well. Tiger Products claims that after years of research and development they produced these tips. They also claim that players inspired and requested them. Let's examine these ridiculous statements. Tiger Products wants us to believe they spend years developing a $2 tip. SURE! Tiger raised wholesale pricing on this tip 100% but we are still maintaining the previous low, low price because we refuse to gouge the consumer like Tiger Products wants us all to do. You won't find these tips priced for less anywhere. These tips are made from recycled pig skin leather. They claim these tips are made in Burbank California but we have reason to doubt this. Regardless whether they are made in Burbank or Beijing, this is a decent tip and especially at our low, low price. Try one, we're sure you'll like it.
Hardness: Medium Hard (4)
Tiger Durometer (Type A): 96
Mueller Durometer (Type B/C): 76-79
Tip Diameter: 14 mm only
Tiger Everest Cue Tips
Unit price perTiger Everest Cue Tips
Unit price perEverest Cue Tips at low prices (as low as $12.00 each) and with an in depth review - Everest cue tips are a good playing tip. Available only in 14mm. These are manufactured by Tiger Products supposedly in Burbank but we have reason to believe they are manufactured in Beijing and Tiger claims the fame.
Why do so many cue makers and production cue manufacturers use Everest cue tips on their cues? The answer is a simple one. For consumer use and sales Tiger sells a 10 layer Everest cue tip. That's the one everyone sees and purchases. However, for cue makers, Tiger Products sells an 8 layer version of the Everest Cue Tip. And get this one -- Tiger charges only $1 per tip in batches of 100. The only thing you have to guarantee is that you are a cue maker and that you will exclusively use these Everest cue tips on all your cues. And that's the reason. So, if all you players out there think that these manufacturers are using Everest cue tips because they are so great and wonderful; the deceptive reason is because Tiger Products is charging the cue manufacturers only $1 per tip. So, things aren't what they seem to be when you know the real reasons.
As far as the Everest cue tip themselves, they are a decent playing tip. Tiger states, they use "finest quality pig skins in the world". What I would like to know is how does Tiger know they are the finest pig skins in the world? Tiger goes on to say, "every layer of an Everest Cue Tip is specially selected and skived to perfection". Every manufactured layered tip is "skived to perfection"; that's why it's skived! And, then Tiger claims that "only the very finest are then selected and used in the manufacture of an Everest Cue Tip". If you know the owner of Tiger Products like we know the owner of Tiger products, he isn't throwing anything away so this statement is most likely questionable at best.
All Everest Cue Tips are Vacuum laminated by a process that Tiger Products refers to as Vacuum. Vacuum lamination has come under fire lately due to the fact that it draws in the glue which holds the layers together. This process is still up in the air. They then state that they test each Everest Cue Tip for maximum performance. Yeah right! They sit and test thousands of tips every day. If you believe this one, we have some prime waterfront property to sell you.
Tiger Products then goes on to say, "Everest Cue Tips are unique in that they cut and shape like a hard tip, play similar to a medium tip and offer control similar to a soft tip". Can you imagine all that. A tip that provides all that. We don't buy any of it but try an Everest cue tip today. It's a decent playing tip.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
A Word About Pricing
Ridiculous isn't it? Well, it's as ridiculous as MAP (Minimum Advertised Pricing). What the heck is MAP and why should you be concerned? Manufacturers in their quest to be able to sell to the lowest common denominator (the smallest dealer) need to protect their smaller dealers by a sort of price-fixing structure so that they can compete in the marketplace. In-other-words, they should be afforded the same competitive opportunity by buying their one box of tips as us when we place $25k orders. Sounds real fair doesn't it! Basically, manufacturers want to allow as many of these so-called dealers to purchase their products for maximum manufacturer sales and profits with a total disregard to their largest supporters or free competition.
Additionally, this MAP requires all resellers to fix their pricing at full MSRP or a pre-selected and manufacturer approved discounted advertised pricing. In the case of Tiger products, this approved discount is 15% off MSRP. Just check around and you'll find that all these items are all priced at the very same pricing by every reseller out there. What are the odds at a free market pricing all these items at the very same pricing! Zero, Zippo, Nada! MAP is not free competition. And, the USA was built on free competition. We are upholding that thought.
We believe this MAP or price-fixing structure is detrimental to the marketplace and especially the consumer. It creates a false market and does not allow for free competition. We support the manufacturer with our hard earned dollars and a free market allows us to resell that product at any price we see fit. As such, we choose to not participate in any deceptive method of conducting business. Thus far 36 Attorney Generals are against MAP and we expect this unfair marketing and pricing to be eventually challenged in the courts. It's just a matter of time or until enough consumers get disgusted of these practices.
So, what the heck is the point to all this Joe? We are obviously the lowest price around. We do not participate in any manufacturer retail or wholesale price controls and you should accept nothing less. CueComponents your low price leader!
Why purchase Everest Cue Tips when you can buy a comparable Everest Extreme Cue Tip for so much less! They're a great tip and once on the cue, you'll never be able to tell the difference. They play great! Try some and you'll be convinced too. Yes, our Everest Extreme's are that good!
Tiger Ice Breaker Cue Tips Phenolic/Leather
Tiger Ice Breaker Cue Tips Phenolic/Leather
Tiger Products challenged itself in creating a jump/break cue tip that makes it easier for the user to execute close - quarters aerial jump shots and execute an iceberg shattering break shot. All of this without sacrificing accurate cue ball control and avoiding the dreaded miscue. Following three years of tireless research and development, we at Tiger Products have created the definitive jump/break cue tip of the future! This hybrid cue tip utilizes an ultra hard laminated leather core, with *leather contact surface, allowing for greater chalk adhesion and the phenolic jacket restricts cue tip expansion upon impact. So, all the power you put in to your stroke transfers immediately and accurately to the cue ball without cause for miscue. The result is: increased break shot speeds and "light as feather" jump shots! Manufactured with the VACULAM™ process, this copyrighted Tiger technology has produced an incredibly powerful tip! Icebreaker™ Cue Tips, power beyond imagination!
*Legal for use in most amateur league systems!
It is with great pleasure to announce the news about the Icebreaker break/jump tip becoming legal again for all BCAPL member players. After years of tests and comparisons with many of the other phenolic tips in the industry it was proven that the Icebreaker tip having the all-natural leather core in the center, will not damage the cue ball, therefore it will be considered the only one if it's kind to become the legal tip of BCA league. Bill Stock of BCA has stated, "After doing several hardness tests on numerous tips including the Icebreaker, I am going to deem the Icebreaker legal at our BCAPL Nationals".
Hardness: Super Hard+ (7)
Tiger Durometer (Type A): 99 Mueller
Durometer (Type B/C): 96-98
Tip Diameter: 14.25 mm only
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Why pay these ridiculous Tiger Pricing! Try our IceBreaker Extreme Cue Tips. There's no difference except the price!
Tiger Jump/Break Cue Tips
Tiger Jump/Break Cue Tips
Tiger Jump/Break Cue Tips at low prices (as low as $13.00 each) and great reviews -- There is a time in the game when one shot is the key to winning. Jump shots are one of the most important shots in today's game. If you are serious about winning, just making the jump shot is not enough. Tiger Laminated Jump Cue Tip is the difference between making the jump shot or making the jump shot with total control. Selected from quality cow & pig hide, this cue tip is made with the same quality as other Tiger laminated cue tips. Vacuum laminated with VACULAM™ process, the bottom half is laminated for power and the top half for total control. Tiger Laminated Jump Cue Tips, when it really comes down to it, all you have to do is just elevate your game.
These are offered in 14mm
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Tiger Onyx Cue Tips
Unit price perTiger Onyx Cue Tips
Unit price perOnyx Cue Tips - we have the lowest pricing as low as $16.95 each! These tips receive OK reviews as well. Onyx cue tips are manufactured with similar bore hides as Tiger Sniper Cue Tips. Tiger Products ages the hides with their mysterious secret process which turns the layers of hide black without using a black dye. Supposedly the process is time consuming. While aging the leather, the process also softens the leather so as to produce a medium hardness. These Tiger Onyx Cue Tips are easy to maintain and shape easier during installation and repairs. The manufacturer states that Onyx tips are one of the most consistent tips our there but what else do you expect a manufacturer to say? Tiger Products states that they will produce only a limited number per year but we have never been denied access or supplies. In fact, we have not heard anyone else being shorted any of these tips so we believe this is just Tiger Products hype.
Tiger Products states that this new look for their Onyx tips was requested by the players. We asked around and couldn't find one player who wrote Tiger Products to manufacture this tip with a different color layer. Kind of ridiculous to think the players asked for this change. Tiger Products did it to make their tip look different from all the other black tips on the market. Supposedly the different color layer warns you when the tip needs to be replaced. I don't know about you but I am perfectly capable of deciding when to change my tip and I don't need a manufacturer telling me so they can sell more tips.
Hardness: Medium (3+)
Tiger Durometer (Type A): 95 Mueller
Durometer (Type B/C): 73-76
Diameter: 14mm only
Tips per box: 12 each
Installation: Glue from the embossed initial side
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Thus far 36 Attorney Generals are against MAP and we expect this unfair marketing and pricing to be eventually challenged in the courts. Its just a matter of time or until enough consumers get disgusted of these practices.
What the heck is MAP and why should you be concerned? Manufacturers in their quest to be able to sell to the lowest common denominator (the smallest dealer) need to protect their smaller dealers by a sort of price-fixing structure so that they can compete in the marketplace. In-other-words, they should be afforded the same competitive opportunity by buying their one box of tips as us when we place $25k orders. Sounds real fair doesn't it! Basically, manufacturers want to allow as many of these so-called dealers to purchase their products for maximum manufacturer sales and profits with a total disregard to their largest supporters or free competition.
We believe this MAP or price-fixing structure is detrimental to the marketplace and especially the consumer. It creates a false market and does not allow for free competition. We support the manufacturer with our hard earned dollars and a free market allows us to resell that product at any price we see fit. As such, we choose to not participate in any deceptive method of conducting business.
Additionally, this MAP requires all resellers to fix their pricing at full MSRP or a pre-selected and manufacturer approved discounted advertised pricing. In the case of Tiger products, this �approved� discount is 15% off MSRP. Just check around and you'll find that all these items are all priced at the very same pricing by every reseller out there. What are the odds at a free market pricing all these items at the very same pricing! Zero, Zippo, Nada! MAP is not free competition. And, the USA was built on free competition. We are upholding that thought.
So, what the heck is the point to all this Joe? We are obviously the lowest price around. We do not participate in any manufacturer retail or wholesale price controls and you should accept nothing less. CueComponents your low price leader!
Why purchase Onyx Cue Tips when you can buy a comparable Onyx Extreme Cue Tip for so much less! They're a great tip and once on the cue, you'll never be able to tell the difference. They play great! Try some and you'll be convinced too. Yes, our Onyx Extreme's are that good!
Tiger Paw Shaper & Scuffer
Tiger Paw Shaper & Scuffer
The all new Tiger Paw Tip Shaper & Scuffer! This fine billiard cue instrument is an all anodized aluminum body. The Tiger Paw shaper & scuffer is extremely durable and very light weight; less than 4oz and measures 2.5" x 5" and only about a 1/4" in height. It comes with both a dime and nickel shapers. For scuffing and shaping your cue tips, you have both a fine and coarse plates at your disposal. These laser cut plates will last forever and don't need to be replaced. The assembly is well constructed and will last a lifetime.
Now, if you look at the inset picture, you'll see the distributor price list from Tiger Products out of California. As many of you know, we don't get along with this little weasel and his Gestapo tactics nor his Un-American MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) pricing controls. We stopped being a distributor for him when we took a stand against his MAP control pricing. We refused to adhere to his market manipulation. We told him to take his products and shove them up where the sun never shines.
We're selling a very similar item called the Tiger Paw Shaper & Scuffer. It pretty much does the exact same things but at a much more realistic and better price point.

Tiger Pool Cue Tip (Single)
Unit price perTiger Pool Cue Tip (Single)
Unit price perTrue to its namesake, the Tiger Tip is a seamless fusion of quality, technology and craftsmanship. Laminated with our signature VACULAM process and made out of eleven layers of full Chrome cow hide, the Tiger Laminated Cue Tip gives players the ability to spin and feel with lot of control. The only soft laminated cue tip in the world that stays true to its hardness throughout its play time, the Tiger Tip is a must!
Quantity: One (1) single tip
Hardness: Soft (2)
Durometer (Type A): 93
Durometer (Type B/C): 65-69
Diameter: 14 mm only
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
Tiger Sniper Pool Cue Tips
Tiger Sniper Pool Cue Tips
These Sniper cue tips are manufactured with boar hide that was slowly tanned underground without using chemicals. They don't say what they did use but we do know that they don't use chemicals. Tiger claims it can take up to a year but we know better but it makes for good reading and hype. Tiger Products then claims that they treat the leather with some magical and mysterious product which they don't name but this magical potion will give your Sniper tip "characteristics that will improve your game". So, this magical 'dust' will now "improve your game". The heck with the tip - let's all ask Tiger Products to bottle this magical dust!
Now we'll discuss VACULAM which Tiger Products claims to be a trademarked word which comes from vacuum and laminated. Tiger Products is claiming that they put all their tips together with a vacuum laminated process where it vacuum presses the tips together. Unfortunately this very same process also draws the glue into the leather fibers which many now agree is not good for hit and consistency. You don't want to play with glue; you want to play with leather. Whether or not VACULAM is any good is a matter of opinion - try a Sniper tip and you be the judge as they do play well despite the 'ticking' sound.
Tiger Products goes on to say that they also have added a new "treatment" called "APP" or Advanced Pressurized Process. They claim by doing this process it can make the cue tips adaptable to any player, for any game regardless how, when or where you play. How convenient! Personally, we think these and all Tiger Tips are manufactured with their secret process called "FOC" - Full of Crap!
Regardless whether they are manufactured with APP or FOC, they do play well and also hold chalk and Tiger claims they will not mushroom. Yada, Yada, Yada and of course they will give you maximum control, (whatever that is), consistency and of course the least amount of deflection. I wonder how they know since that really can't be tested accurately or consistently. Tiger Sniper Laminated Cue Tips - More hype and another cue tips that competes with all the rest. More crap to buy but they do play well.
For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
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