Barringer Cue Building DVD's
Here's the complete set in one packaged price. A total of 944 minutes or almost 16 hours of individualized training.
You'll watch these over and over and learn each time you watch them. Nothing is left out as we cover it all; complete cue construction!
Here's the best summary we've received...
"If you can't build a cue after watching these videos give it up and go back to working at McDonalds".
AG, Greenwood, LA
And yes, it was priced at $899.95 but we're having a super sale so order now!! Only $329.99.
Oh and yes, you are reading this correctly, there are no mistakes, you don't need to clean your glasses and there are no typo's.
So, no need to call us to confirm our insanity. We do a fine job of that all by ourselves.