Barringer's E-Z Shine Bees Wax

Barringer's E-Z Shine Bees Wax is pure, natural and triple filtered as compared to the dirty and nasty looking Tiger Bees Wax. Simply look at the color variation. This product comes in blocks rather than rounds which makes it easier to use and apply. Round doesn't work as well. These are the same weight as the Tiger MAP CRAP Bees Wax but ours is a higher grade and less money too!

You can use these to burnish the sides of tips and use to fill in cracks on tables as well. Do not use this on shafts unless you can burnish with a lathe. These blocks are exceptional quality and value!

Priced as follows:
Per 1 @ $2.50 each
Per 10 @ $2.00 each
Larger quantities, please inquire.

Barringer's E-Z Shine Bees Wax
EZBeeRegular Price: $5.00Sale: $2.50


$5.00 $2.50