Buffalo Horn Ferrules, Joints, Butts & Slabs & Camel Bone Slabs
The photo shows Black Buffalo Horn materials in ferrules, joints, butt caps and slabs. The white is Camel bone which is great for inlay or ivory substitute.
There are no lower prices to be found anywhere!
These are all premium materials. They will finish up extremely well.
Buffalo Horn Ferrules are .625 round x 1.30" long @ $5.95 each
Buffalo Horn Joints are 1.05" round x 1.20" long @ $9.95 each
Buffalo Horn Butts are 1.42" round x 1.10" long @ $19.95 each
Buffalo Horn Slabs are 2.05" wide x 8" long x .185 thick @ $11.95 each
Camel Bone Slabs are 1.03 wide x 8" long x .175 thick @ $9.95 each
Unit price per