Everest Cue Tips
Everest Cue Tips at low prices (as low as $12.00 each) and with an in depth review - Everest cue tips are a good playing tip. Available only in 14mm. These are manufactured by Tiger Products supposedly in Burbank but we have reason to believe they are manufactured in Beijing and Tiger claims the fame.
Why do so many cue makers and production cue manufacturers use Everest cue tips on their cues? The answer is a simple one. For consumer use and sales Tiger sells a 10 layer Everest cue tip. That's the one everyone sees and purchases. However, for cue makers, Tiger Products sells an 8 layer version of the Everest Cue Tip. And get this one -- Tiger charges only $1 per tip in batches of 100. The only thing you have to guarantee is that you are a cue maker and that you will exclusively use these Everest cue tips on all your cues. And that's the reason. So, if all you players out there think that these manufacturers are using Everest cue tips because they are so great and wonderful; the deceptive reason is because Tiger Products is charging the cue manufacturers only $1 per tip. So, things aren't what they seem to be when you know the real reasons.
As far as the Everest cue tip themselves, they are a decent playing tip. Tiger states, they use "finest quality pig skins in the world". What I would like to know is how does Tiger know they are the finest pig skins in the world? Tiger goes on to say, "every layer of an Everest Cue Tip is specially selected and skived to perfection". Every manufactured layered tip is "skived to perfection"; that's why it's skived! And, then Tiger claims that "only the very finest are then selected and used in the manufacture of an Everest Cue Tip". If you know the owner of Tiger Products like we know the owner of Tiger products, he isn't throwing anything away so this statement is most likely questionable at best.
All Everest Cue Tips are Vacuum laminated by a process that Tiger Products refers to as Vacuum. Vacuum lamination has come under fire lately due to the fact that it draws in the glue which holds the layers together. This process is still up in the air. They then state that they test each Everest Cue Tip for maximum performance. Yeah right! They sit and test thousands of tips every day. If you believe this one, we have some prime waterfront property to sell you.
Tiger Products then goes on to say, "Everest Cue Tips are unique in that they cut and shape like a hard tip, play similar to a medium tip and offer control similar to a soft tip". Can you imagine all that. A tip that provides all that. We don't buy any of it but try an Everest cue tip today. It's a decent playing tip.
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.
If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!
We are your lowest price anywhere! Shop around and you'll be back!
Ridiculous isn't it? Well, it's as ridiculous as MAP (Minimum Advertised Pricing). What the heck is MAP and why should you be concerned? Manufacturers in their quest to be able to sell to the lowest common denominator (the smallest dealer) need to protect their smaller dealers by a sort of price-fixing structure so that they can compete in the marketplace. In-other-words, they should be afforded the same competitive opportunity by buying their one box of tips as us when we place $25k orders. Sounds real fair doesn't it! Basically, manufacturers want to allow as many of these so-called dealers to purchase their products for maximum manufacturer sales and profits with a total disregard to their largest supporters or free competition.
Additionally, this MAP requires all resellers to fix their pricing at full MSRP or a pre-selected and manufacturer approved discounted advertised pricing. In the case of Tiger products, this approved discount is 15% off MSRP. Just check around and you'll find that all these items are all priced at the very same pricing by every reseller out there. What are the odds at a free market pricing all these items at the very same pricing! Zero, Zippo, Nada! MAP is not free competition. And, the USA was built on free competition. We are upholding that thought.
We believe this MAP or price-fixing structure is detrimental to the marketplace and especially the consumer. It creates a false market and does not allow for free competition. We support the manufacturer with our hard earned dollars and a free market allows us to resell that product at any price we see fit. As such, we choose to not participate in any deceptive method of conducting business. Thus far 36 Attorney Generals are against MAP and we expect this unfair marketing and pricing to be eventually challenged in the courts. It's just a matter of time or until enough consumers get disgusted of these practices.
So, what the heck is the point to all this Joe? We are obviously the lowest price around. We do not participate in any manufacturer retail or wholesale price controls and you should accept nothing less. CueComponents your low price leader!
Order Today & $ave!
Buy Here & Fight Tiger Products MAP CRAP Controlled Markets
Priced as follows:
1 or 100 @ $12.95 each
How's that for non-MAP cooperation!
Why purchase Everest Cue Tips when you can buy a comparable Everest Extreme Cue Tip for so much less! They're a great tip and once on the cue, you'll never be able to tell the difference. They play great! Try some and you'll be convinced too. Yes, our Everest Extreme's are that good!
Everest Cue Tips
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