Ivorite-III Solid Melamine Ferrules

These are 100% genuine Melamine. They play great!

Ivorite III is a Melamine based ferrule. These are the finest ferrules moIvorite-III™ <BR>Solid Melamine Ferrulesney can buy. Try some and see for yourself. If you don't think these are the best Melamine ferrules, simply return them and we'll refund your original purchase price plus all shipping costs. No one has ever returned these. They're the real deal.

SPECIAL Pricing per 20 -- see last item on this page

Each ferrule is approximately .562 in diameter and 1.090" in length.

Cue Components Ivorite-III™ is the finest composite based ferrule material available for custom cue makers. The hit is the same regardless which way you hold your cue. Ivorite-III™ is strong, impact-resistant and bonds well with Cyanoacrylate and epoxy as well as wood glue. It machines, drills, taps and sands well. Ivorite-III™ will polish to a beautiful high gloss soft white finish. Unlike other ferrule materials, Ivorite-III™ is not porous and will not absorb blue chalk. It produces a solid hit. If you try it once, you'll use it exclusively on all your cues. These can be used as capped or uncapped type ferrules.

For installing tips on these ferrules we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips.

Note: This product is sold by some clowns as Aegis which is the same as Ivorite™ which is Melamine. The difference, you get to pay more for the name Aegis from the Bozo's.

Pricing as follows:
Per 1 @ $3.50 each
Per 10 @ $3.35 each ($33.50/10)
Per 20 @ $3.15 each ($63.00)

Prices are for solid ferrules.

Made In The USA.

Solid Melamine Ferrules


Regular Price: $3.95


$395.00 $3.50