Lion Jump/Break Extreme Cue Tips

Our Lion Jump/Break Extreme™ Cue Tips are your best choice for jumping and breaking with an all leather cue tip. These tips combine both cow and pig hide into one great Extreme cue tip that holds chalk EXTREMEly well and performs in Extreme circumstances. In today’s game, jump shots can be critical and our Jump/Break Extreme™ Cue Tips will perform for you each and every time. For break shots, our Jump/Break Extreme™ will elevate your speed and performance. These are 14mm. Glue from the black side.

Made In The USA - Quality Does Matter!

You too can be 'King of the Jungle' with our Lion Jump/Break Extreme™ Cue Tips.

Notice: Our cue tips are not manufactured with a vacuum laminated system (some refer to it as 'vaculam') whereby causing excessive glue into the leather fibers. This vacuum laminating process causes tips to feel more plasticized due to the greater permeation of the glue into the leather fibers. This permeation or plasticizing creates a ticking sound when the cue ball hits the tip as in Tiger MAP CRAP cue tips (just ask around). You don't need this distraction so choose Lion Jump/Break Extreme™ Cue Tips.

If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!

For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.

Priced as follows
Per 1-5 @ $8.00 each
Per 6-11 @ $7.00 each
Per 12+ @ $6.00 each

Lion Jump/Break
Extreme™ Cue Tips


Regular Price: $19.95
