Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts

This is without question the finest cue makers shaft sealant/stabilizer and final coat shaft sealer on the market today.

Speed Seal II Shaft Sealer & Stabilizer is sold in 16oz bottles and applies easily. And, it dries quickly too. Very quick!

For refinishing shafts: All you do is apply two coats back-to-back, sand (with 800) and wax. It's that quick!

For sealing shafts between cuts: Best to wipe on after the first cut and then again 2 cuts from final for lasting protection and stabilization. Add again at final stage when prepping the shaft for the actual sale.

When you're done you'll have a finish that is smooooth as silk and will remain that way through all the abuse of playing.

Ever wonder how some cue makers get their shafts to glide like silk? Well, wonder no more!

Leading cue makers have been using this product for years with phenomenal results. You can too.

Buy a case of 12 for the price of 11!!


Speed Seal II Final Coat & Stabilizer For Shafts
$30.00 $19.99
$30.00 $19.99