Tiger Dynamite Cue Tips

Tiger Dynamite cue tips at low prices and great reviews -- These are a hard cue tip and are a very consistent cue tip with good control. Dynamite multi layer cue tip is made out of five layers of pig leather and treated to a specific hardness naturally. Laminated with VACULAM™ process, Dynamite cue tip is the best priced laminated cue tip for it's quality and durability. This tip is the ideal tip for cue makers and manufacturers as the standard tip for their line of cues. When you play with Dynamite multi layer cue tip, IT BLOWS THE COMPETITION AWAY!!

Hardness: Hard (5) Tiger Durometer (Type A): 97 Mueller Durometer (Type B/C): 80-83 Diameter: 14 mm only

For the ultimate combination
try these tips with
Morakami Performance Chalk.

If you require the finest glue to ensure a permanent bond that won't pop off then we highly recommend our Cyanoacrylate for tips. It works!

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