Tough Tip™ Cyanoacrylate
This product is specifically designed to install tips and has a 'rubber toughened" mixture which can withstand and absorb the shock of the 'hit'. Other epoxies and glues bond well but the glue cracks from the hit and therefore can cause premature debonding whereas the tip will pop off. The rubber toughened formula absorbs this impact and does not crack.
Now, for the best part... all rubber toughened cyanoacrylates are black in color. This is extremely messy to use but does work great. However, our formula is available in a clear mixture only!!! A great breakthrough for the tip installer.
These are offered as 1oz bottles. This is sufficient to do many, many tip installations.
Pricing as follows:
Per 1 @ $11.99 each
Per 3 @ $10.00 each or $29.99 for 3